A Tale of Three Starters

Here are three starters in the morning after they had been fed the night before. The elastic band indicates the level before feeding. The first two on the left show more vigorous growth, with the middle one the most. It was all white flour, the other ones were 1/2 wheat 1/2 rye. The two on […]
Don’t Forget Your Survey Awaits
Survey results are rolling in- don’t wait to get yours dont- it might be eaten by slugs if you wait. Complete yours today! Max ten minutes, even for a mole. Just click on the link at the top of this page. The survey is password protected- you should have received an email with the […]
The Warm Breath of Spring

Another fine day of progress for determined gardeners, enticing the land to yield up some treasures. So much knowledge, experience and will inspires even the humblest mole. These pics are all from the Aquarius Garden because that’s where Mr Mole was. Please send any updates and pics from other projects if available to moley[at]echovalley.ca. Excellent […]