Wood Fire Oven Pizza

Finally, I got to try out the wood fire oven.

It definitely burns hot. After I had the fire going with fir kindling for about 15 minutes it went to up 800F. I let it cool down and added chunks of arbutus, and settled it down to 6-700F. The pizza cooks in 4 minutes and has to be rotated so it doesn’t burn. It was pretty neat, the crust is definitely wood fired oven crust. Still lots to learn, I’d really like to get a sourdough crust working.

The oven can be used for lots of things other than pizza. Will be handy in a power outage. And, naturally I now want to enlarge the deck a bit and build a roof over the oven so I can used it all year round.

Yes, you will be invited for one when such pleasures become possible.  I will procure a red checed table cloth and some straw bottle Chianti.